Well we expected to go and pick up the legal paperwork on the guardianship order today, but as everything goes in Uganda, it STILL wasn't ready. So we spent the morning having a wasted journey to the solicitors, nipped into town to get something notorised then headed back to the guest house to do some more WAITING! Uganda certainly tests your patience as no one goes at the pace you'd expect them too.
So we waited and we waited. Then a text came through from the solicitor to meet him at court! So back we go again! We arrived before the solicitor and the clerk gave me the order to check through. I was dumbfounded to see that not only was Lutaaya Deborah's name spelt incorrectly throughout the document (Debora Luataya) the Judge also hadn't worded the document as we had requested. So when the solicitor finally arrived we ended up going back in front of the Judge to get it amended. Thankfully he did it as we needed and her name was corrected.
You would think the British VISA office would stay open til 5pm (normal working hours hey?) but you'd be mistaken. Yep, we're in Africa and some times things don't work out as planned! We legged it over the road to the visa office to find that it closed at 3pm!! Unbelievable!!! So plans have been made and we'll be leaving for the visa office at 9am tomorrow! We need a lot of prayers that they'll turn our VISA around in 48 hours and we can get on a flight early next week!
We were drained after all the waiting and then running about! It's surprising when you're in the heat, how quickly you need to rest. So we got a taxi to the shopping mall in Kampala and slumped in two chairs in the cafe there, ordering a strawberry milkshake each.
Stacey, the lady from Texas, staying at our guest house with her two little ones, came and joined us later for tea. The kids love each others company, and Lutaaya Deborah finally had oppportunity to hold baby Sadie, which she loved. It has been a lovely evening with good food, good company and plenty of laughter. We'll miss Stacey, Benjamin and Sadie when they leave for their flight tomorrow. We wish them all the best with their flight, it's so exciting that Stacey's husband and two daughters will be waiting to meet the new additions to the family in the airport. Ho excited must they be waiting to meet such beautiful children? Another wonderful forever family made!
Even more fun at the supermarket when you have Benjamin to go in a 'car' trolley! So much fun!