My girly makes me proud every day and sometimes I take for granted what she does each day. I forget it's only been 3 years. I forget how much she's learned and how far she's come. She takes everything in her stride and brings so much joy to all those lives she touches. You can't help but smile when she's in your presence.
A few weeks ago it wasn't only me singing her praises. She won an award for 100% attendance for the whole academic year of 2012-2013. Our local education department celebrated every child who gained this achievement with a wonderful evening of celebration.
School attendance is so important and we always strive to do our best, after all if you're not there, you're missing out on your education. My girly takes it to an even higher level though. She is so conscientious in attending each and every day. I am so fortunate that she has this attitude. There are never any grizzles or groans in the mornings. She aims to be there every single day. Even on those days when she feels a little under the weather, she always motivates herself to get in to school.
School isn't always easy for her but still she goes, aiming to try her best every day. She never wants to let her friends down and has come on leaps and bounds in the last 3 years. Her confidence is flowing and there are glimmers of dreams and aspirations brewing.