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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Proud Mammy Moment

I can't quite believe I've been a Mam for 3 years now. Doesn't time fly?

My girly makes me proud every day and sometimes I take for granted what she does each day. I forget it's only been 3 years. I forget how much she's learned and how far she's come. She takes everything in her stride and brings so much joy to all those lives she touches. You can't help but smile when she's in your presence. 

A few weeks ago it wasn't only me singing her praises. She won an award for 100% attendance for the whole academic year of 2012-2013. Our local education department celebrated every child who gained this achievement with a wonderful evening of celebration. 

School attendance is so important and we always strive to do our best, after all if you're not there, you're missing out on your education. My girly takes it to an even higher level though. She is so conscientious in attending each and every day. I am so fortunate that she has this attitude. There are never any grizzles or groans in the mornings. She aims to be there every single day. Even on those days when she feels a little under the weather, she always motivates herself to get in to school. 

School isn't always easy for her but still she goes, aiming to try her best every day. She never wants to let her friends down and has come on leaps and bounds in the last 3 years. Her confidence is flowing and there are glimmers of dreams and aspirations brewing. 

Gotcha Day Anniversary

Yes it really has been 3 years since we got that ‘YES’ from the Judge in Uganda.  In one sense it feels like it was only days ago and yet in other’s it feels as though Lutaaya has been part of my family forever. 


To me Gotcha Day is more special that our adoption day.  Adoption day was simply legalising everything.  Gotcha day was the day Lutaaya’s life changed and she moved in to a guest house with me, not quite on home turf yet but part of a family nevertheless. 


Happy Gotcha Day Lutaaya.  Love you more each day xxx

Monday, November 18, 2013

Did I Tell You.......

Did I tell you we went to Florida this summer????
Did I tell you we got to meet up with that very same family we were with three years ago?
Did I tell you these are our a.m.a.z.i.n.g. family across the pond?
Did I tell you we got to meet the whole family.....including new additon Lyrick and Gigi!


Did I tell you how we met just in front of the Magical Castle?  How wonderful!
Did I tell you we got to spend some precious time with this little girl ?  Oh. My.  How shes grown and changed.   

Did I tell you we had an amazing few days our forever friends, forever family?


 Did I tell you we also got to meet another of Lutaaya's old friends? 
 Did I tell you that us two Mama's had never met but we each knew each other's daughters?
 Did I tell you the last time these three little ladies were together, my little lady handed a tiny bundle of joy over to join her forever family?  Did I tell you, neither thought they would see each other again?
Did I tell you that Disney really does make all your dreams come true?


30 days of thanks.

This time 3 years ago we were stuck in Uganda . It really did feel like I was never coming home! I had my girl, we had met some wonderful people who are now like family on the other side of the pond, we were entertaining each other to while away the days and yet we waited for a visa.
It took a month for us to finally make our way home. Within that time we spent the whole of November in Uganda . I didn’t realise how precious those days were but it enabled me to spend time alone with my daughter. It was our time. There were no interruptions from the outside world. It was, for the main part, me and her. It was a time we needed.
Our new found friends then introduced us to Thanksgiving. It was a bitter sweet time for them as they reminisced on the Thanksgivings of the past. They talked of all the traditions and celebrations. They knew their two young children left in the States would be going through the traditions without them, while they too waited in Uganda for their daughter’s VISA. Instead of sitting around thinking of all they were missing we turned our day into a positive and had our very own Thanksgiving Feast in Uganda . I don’t think the waiters knew what was happening when we ordered an array of food at the one food court. We ate all day, even splashing out for ice creams in the afternoon. It was our first experience of Thanksgiving. It wasn’t by any means traditional but it does bring a smile to my face when I remember that special day with the Gaddis family.
This year, we decided that we would join in with some of the traditions in our home. We have joined the 30 days of thanks dare challenge. You can find it here. Each day, we look at the list and think about what we are thankful for. Each item we think of (3 per day) we write on a little strip of paper and add it to a paper chain. By 30th November we will have a very decorative piece, all full of thanks.

We will remember......

‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.’
Remembrance Sunday saw a huge gathering of people and community groups at our local cenotaph. You couldn’t have wished for a nicer day for the act of remembrance. The air was cold but crisp and the sun shone down on us all. Our town really does know how to come together for times such as this.
It makes me think of how relevant Remembrance Day is for us now. When I was little I didn’t really get it. I saw the poppies and knew that we remembered the men and women who laid down their lives for our freedom in past wars, but still it didn’t relate to me so much.
Nowadays, through local media coverage, we hear so much more of the current conflicts and wars. We hear of our current armed forces fighting in countries near and far. We see the photographs of the men and women who pay the ultimate price in the name of our country. You probably don’t have to look too far to even know someone in our armed forces who puts their life on the line each day.
It is real.
It is VERY relevant.
It is NOW!

Young people I work with know the value of the day. Many dream of serving our country themselves. They will become the service men and women of the future. They will stand proudly to remember the fallen. They will question when others undervalue the day and choose not to remember and this makes me proud. They ‘get it’, they know the sacrifices some pay. They will remember.
‘When you go home, tell them, for their tomorrow, we gave our today.’