Irritating, nasty, disease spreading, annoying, miserable little bugs!
What was God thinking when he made mosquitoes?????
I hate mosquitoes! It’s true!
For some reason they don’t actually realise this and want to spend as much time around me as possible.
They smell me getting off the plane in whatever country I go too. They want MY blood!
Then once they’ve had their fill, they leave me with the itchiest, swollen bite you can ever imagine!
Some beauties from Uganda! |
Now I know that I’m not the only one to think of these horrid little creatures in this way. I mean, who would actually like them?
But did you know………………………
There are more than 3000 different types of mosquito.
Anopheles mosquitoes are the only species known to carry malaria.
Only female mosquitoes suck blood.
And even though we usually only know of the negative side of the mosquito. They actually are the main food source for a lot of animals. Dragonflies, frogs and bats all benefit from having the mosquito as their main source of food in many countries.
So when God created the mosquito, He had a purpose for them, as He does with every living creature, including YOU!
God didn’t create them as the malaria carrying nuisances we may think of them to be. He saw them as a vital source of food, a major part of certain food cycles.
So to eradicate these pesky creatures wouldn’t be a solution. In doing so, we would not only get rid of mosquitoes, but also many other species of frogs, bats, etc.
We have to live with them.
So I am ever thankful that I live most of my days in a country free from the little pests and find ways of coping with them when I travel abroad.
And for those of you who also have the sweet smelling blood that they just love, why not try some of these suggested remedies next time you’re in the company of a mosquito? Can’t say they work, but anything’s worth a try!
Use a repellent that contains DEET.
Avoid wearing perfumes.
Take vitamin B supplements.
Eat garlic tablets.
Avoid dark coloured clothes.
Use citronella or lemon oil.
....................................just a few to name!