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Monday, November 12, 2012

Remembrance Day - We Will Remember

11th November is always Remembrance day here in the UK and the Sunday nearest to that date becomes Remembrance Sunday.  This year, both fell on the same day. 

We have always taken part with our church for Remembrance Sunday so it has always been a part of my life.  I have heard the stories of my great grandfather being in the war and being captured as prisoner of war.  I have also heard my Grandfather’s stories of his time, doing his service in the army.  They are real stories by real people but this year, it seemed more relevant to me.

The weather was lovely for our Remembrance parade to the local cenotaph, this brought out people in our community.  The church was packed for the service and it was wonderful to see so many support this day.  The thing that struck me however, was the fact, so many younger people attended this year.  From children, to teens, to young adults.  All present to pay their respects.

I hear in work of one little boy’s Dad serving in Afghanistan on the frontlines and it makes it real. 

Then on a day like this, I see a young man, who was once a young person I worked with as his youth worker, turn out in his uniform.  So proud to see.

It makes it real. 

These men and women are putting their lives on the line for freedom. 

The service men and women of our country make it real.  They bring it home.  They are the friends and family we know and love, and they risk their everything to serve our country.

If the smallest gesture we can do in support of them is turn out on a glorious Sunday morning and show our respect, then I pledge to do just that! 

Help for Heroes is one of the biggest growing charities of our country and I know why.  Suddenly service men and women are a part of our communities again.  We want to support them.  They may not have world war status, but still they fight.  They are the real men and women of our societies.  They are the men and women who lay it all down for us. 

So check out what’s happening in your local area for Help for Heroes or the Royal British Legion, and get behind our armed forces. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gotcha Day 2nd Anniversary

I can't believe the time has come to write about a second anniversary of Lutaaya's gotcha day. 

Yes that's right - 2 years ago today Lutaaya left life in an orphanage behind and joined a family - a forever family. 

In a sense it feels like only yesterday and in another it feels like she has been a part of my life forever. 

Lutaaya has been a part of my life since 2005 when I first met her.  In fact, before anyone knew, the adoption plans were happening since 2008.  So she has been part of my life for longer but this day was special.  This day was her homecoming.

It was a very emotional day and there were so many highs and lows.  I remember loving taking her out that very first night for food and then returning to the guest house, where she snuggled on the sofa, in her brand new nightie ready for bed.  And then that special moment of tucking her in for the very first time, in a bed of her own, and sleeping in the bed next to her.  That moment of relief, knowing she was finally my daughter. 

The lows were the fact that as one child left a horrible orphanage, others remained there.  You can't help but think, how do these adoptions affect each of these children who hold on to every hope that maybe next time, it'll be their turn to find their family.  And that sadness continues still.  Recently we heard of two of the children leaving and being adopted by their new parents, one awaiting a visa, the other arriving home in the USA.

But still some remain......

some that have been there from the first time I visited.  Some even longer.  How can we, as a society, close our eyes to this?  How can we think that it is all good and positive for Lutaaya to finally be home, and yet not pray for the same to happen to the children left behind?

Heart breaking.

Today we spent a lot of time together making even more happy memories.  Gotcha day this year also coincided with Remembrance Sunday, so we attended the church service and procession in our town - more on that tomorrow.  Lutaaya laughed first thing this morning, as she recently saw the episode of Jessie, on the Disney channel, where the family celebrate little Suri's gotcha day.  Quite an extravagent celebration.  I stood at the bottom of the stairs as she came down for breakfast, with party poppers awaiting her.
(A bit of added drama as Benny cat decided to eat the streamers as they landed - hoping they exit him soon, urgh).
We had our Sunday lunch in my parents, which Lutaaya loves every Sunday.  Then she had a special meeting to go too.  In the next few weeks, Lutaaya is attending some study sessions in church so that she can be confirmed in December.  This evening she asked if she could finish her special day with some chinese food - and gotcha day girl got her wish. 
My crazy upside down gotcha girl

Happy Gotcha Day girly!  So glad you are a part of my life, for now and forever. 
Kwagala Lutaaya xxxx