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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Colour coding

We stumbled across a great idea to help children learn new timetables for school and therefore minimising the fall out of change. 

Colour coding. 

This is an amazingly simple idea that takes two minutes to create. It works wonders for children who struggle with change, including those showing autistic tendencies. 

Simply group subjects into colours. You could have fun with your child in choosing what colour each subject could be.....could Art be bright pink? Maths blue?  It's that simple. As long as you repeat the colour each time the subject appears on the timetable. 

And no your child doesn't have to be autistic or adopted for this method to help them. It's a neat little tool for any child to help them learn new routines. Remembering the colour patterns of the day helps them remember the lessons. 

Hey presto. Change - 0 Mama - 1