In my job we very often delve into children’s rights and discuss how with those rights the children themselves have responsibilities. We look at everything from the basics of life, nutrition, education, right through to having the right of their own opinion. Understandably, when you work with young people, we have to emphasise that this does not mean having their own way all the time, or that their opinion is always right, but we talk about the responsibility attached to this. We talk about the fact that with this right, comes the responsibility to accept other people’s opinions, even when they differ to our own and that sometimes we have to agree to disagree.
UNICEF says that, ‘In 1989, governments worldwide promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. They apply equally to every child, regardless of who they are, or where they are from. Every day these rights are denied. Millions of children are dying from preventable diseases. Millions more don’t go to school, or have food, shelter and clean water. Children are subjected to violence, abuse and discrimination, and go unheard. This is wrong.’
Children in the UK don’t always know of their rights or have the abilities or support in standing up for them. It saddens me more, when children in places such as Uganda, the children I know personally, become the children mentioned in UNICEF’s statement.
UNICEF says –
‘Every child has the right to a voice on matters that affect them and to have their views taken seriously – in accordance with their age and maturity.’
And yet, there are children I know this week, that have been beaten for speaking out and having an opinion.
Children who have been threatened that they will end up in a Ugandan detention centre or beaten by the police if they step out of line. Children who are being failed by the adults who care for them and the organisation that oversees that care.
Children who are forgotten.
Children who are neglected of their rights.
Children living in fear, right now! And it’s unbearable to imagine!
When we meet these children and they touch our life journeys, you cannot then forget that these children are as much a part of society as me or you. You cannot close the door and forget that tonight; they go to bed wondering if they will be forced to leave the orphanage they call home.
You cannot imagine the fear they live by each day. You cannot stop but think are they better off where they are, or would they be safer if they were on the streets? You cannot help but feel helpless in amongst this terrible situation.
But we do care, and we will see that these voiceless children have their views heard. They will be a part of the decision making process of matters that affect their lives, as they should be. We will continue to advocate for them and pray for them. We will guide them, love them and care for them, even when we are miles apart. We will continue to resettle, foster and adopt so that these children have the right to a family and a safe environment to grow and thrive in.
Will you stand with me, or will you stand with the abusers and keep institutions like this alive and active?
“The day of the Lord is near for all nations. Edom, you will be treated as you have treated others. You will get back what you have given.”
Obadiah 1:15
“Look! I am coming soon, and my reward is with me to pay each one according to what he has done!”
Revelation 22:12
“And the king will answer them, ‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.’”
Matthew 25:40