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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our Fairies

The whole inter-country adoption process is not just very lengthy and intrusive; it’s also very expensive. 
(I have been asked as one of my blog challenges to write about the expense so that’s a blog for another day!)
Add to the paperwork and legalities of adoption, the fact that you now have an energetic 10 year old and a full time job, then time is little and life gets pretty hectic.

I can hand on heart honestly say that I couldn’t manage without ‘our fairies.’

Every week, since I returned to work, we have had an ironing fairy.  She flits into our house, takes our pile of ironing and returns with it all neatly pressed in bags.  All sorted into Mummy clothes and Lutaaya clothes.

Every week since returning from Uganda with Lutaaya, we’ve also had a shopping/treat fairy.  She turns up every Wednesday night with a bag full of goodies.  Any treats that Lutaaya or I want, plus those essential items.  The fairy even rings on a Monday evening to find out what’s missing in our cupboards to restock! 

So I take this opportunity to say thank you to our fairies.  You know who you are!  Because since being a Mum, I haven’t had to do many BIG piles of ironing, just the occasional item now and then, and I haven’t done a FULL shop either!

And there have been many more ‘fairies’ in our lives too over the adoption process.  Those who have helped out financially, or by giving of their time.  Whether it was a one off gift of an item we needed, or simply being there to listen on our more challenging days.  Thank you for continuing to share in our journey.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Off to court we go.....

Monday 4th July 2011!  Lutaaya whisked off to school and then me and my mum, drove to Cardiff to go to the court. 

A very important date in the diary for our journey.

The time when we hear if we can go straight to an adoption ceremony or be asked for more information or further documentation.

The 'what if's' running through my head.  What if they want something I don't have?  What if I'd missed something?  What if something isn't stamped in the right place?  etc, etc, etc......

Oh ye of little faith hey?

Deeper in me, a knowledge that Lutaaya is already mine.  That I am her Mum whatever a court says.  That I will fight til the ends of the earth for my child.  That God already has a plan for Lutaaya and that plan has her in our family and living in Wales.

That's the part I cling too!

There were so many similarities going to court here as there was in going to court in Uganda.  We walked through a busy city to get there, the sights and smells so different but yet so similar.  The security checks as you go through the door.  The uncertainty of not knowing your way around the building.

Finally we made it to reception with a lot less hurdles than we experienced in Uganda, like the electricity remained on and lift worked!  The lady at reception appeared shocked when I said I was prospective adopter.  Apparently I should have entered through the back door?!?!?  No one told me that!  And then the realisation on her face that this is an inter-country adoption and there is no chance I'll bump into birth parents in the waiting room. 

So we sit and wait to be called through.  The social worker running late so we're in this alone.  And you know what?  I didn't care!  This is MY adoption case and I CAN speak for myself and my daughter.  As in Uganda when I desperately wanted to share my love for Lutaya, knowing I was THE only person who would show true passion towards my case, to the judge there who sat, looking down at my file and not wanting to hear from me.  This time, I knew I could have the opportunity to speak for myself and Lutaaya.

Our case called and we are directed to a court room.  Window open just as in Uganda.  So many silly little facts that stick in your mind hey?  This time the man behind the big desk welcomed us in.  Huge smile on his face and happiness in his voice.  Such a lovely man.  I apologised for the fact the social worker wasn't with us, but he disregarded this and said if I was happy we could proceed.

Of course I'm happy.  Let's get this sorted.

But you know what?  This man had a heart for the orphan!  He wanted to give Lutaaya a forever family in Wales!  Yay!  He could see that I AM her Mum!

So all we needed to do was have a very informal chat about how Lutaaya's settled, what she likes and dislikes.  And then.......


It's over!  Our legal journey is soon to be at it's end!

And you know what that man behind the big desk with the smile said?  He asked what day would Lutaaya like?  My girl finally gets listened too!

Did she want the judge to be in robes?  Would she like family and friends there?  What date suits her?  Would she like the judge to bring his dog??  I mean, how cool is this court?  Lutaaya is going to love her court date!

So 4th August is our official adoption day!  We'll be off to court in the morning to give Lutaaya her special day and make her part of my forever family...... forever!

Best bit....4th August is also my Goddaughter's birthday!  How amazing that the two special girls in my life will have the same special day?!?!?!

And guess what I had to greet me when I shared with Lutaaya the news that this judge was going to say YES when she has to go to court..........?   


That's all my girl needed to hear to finally feel at home!