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Saturday, October 4, 2014


So we’ve made it to October and the Spooktacular month is upon us!  The month full of pumpkins, harvest baskets, black cats, fancy dress, trick or treat, ducking apples and family fun.  Leaves are starting to change their appearance or fall and there’s a crispness in the air each morning, indicating Autumn has arrived. 

I love the colours of autumn.  I love the fun and festivities. 

I remember making a conscious effort in October 2011 to make Halloween a fun family experience for my then 10 year old daughter, who was witnessing her first encounter of all this madness of witches hats and bats filling up our shopping aisles.  It was all a little scary for a little girl who hadn’t long moved from Uganda, where witchcraft is commonplace and very real.

This year will be no different….other than we want to spread a little community spirit too.

Our October is going to be fun-filled with lots of family activities, gift giving and surprises.  It won’t all be filled with the Halloween horrors, although we do plan to have some extra fun on Halloween night.

So our friends and neighbours can look out because we are coming to surprise you!  Maybe tonight?  Maybe tomorrow?

We are coming to ‘BOO’ you.

It’s a little bit of fun that will hopefully spread a cheer or two around our neighbourhood and I invite you to join in wherever you live too! 

You can get all the details and free printable here!  Courtesy of the Dating Divas.

Basically, once darkness arrives one night in October, you need to run to the door of your chosen family with your print outs and your bag of goodies.  It’s a bit like knock knock ginger, as in you knock their door and run away, leaving only the goody bag and the note to say they’ve been BOO-ed!

The unsuspecting family get a nice surprise and you get the fun of spreading a smile.  They then copy the print out to spread the fun onto another two friends or neighbours within the next two days.  Each family BOO-ed, display the poster in their window or door so no one gets BOO-ed twice.  The fun continues until our whole neighbourhood have shared in the fun and we see a poster in every house window. 

So who will you BOO?  When are you going to strike?  Do you think you can run from the doorway without getting caught?  Your chosen family should never find out it was you who BOO-ed them. (I wonder who will BOO us?)  

Let’s spread some fun and laughter together around our communities and have some more fun filled family nights together this October.  Get spreading the spirit people!

The night you get BOO-ed change your facebook status to ‘We’ve been BOO-ed’ so we can see the fun spread amongst our friends online too.  

Monday, September 29, 2014


I had the privilege to write an article for the BAAF blog about our personal journey recently.  Our story took up two weeks on their blog and I hope it encourages others to consider not only adoption, but older child adoption.

You can take a look at the BAAF blog here!