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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Worker of the week

Lutaaya came home from school today with a bag full!  I thought the bag had become heavier rather than lighter, and it had, with there being a very good reason for this.  In assembly today, Lutaaya was awarded the 'Worker of the Week' Trophy for Year 5.  How proud a Mammy am I?  My little girl has shown so much committment to her work and learning.  She has sat every night this week to do her school reading books.  She has listened as we've repeated words she struggles on and she has obviously shown willing in school as well.

And so the trophy sits proudly in our bay window for the weekend.  (It has to be returned for next week's winner on Monday.)  I want the world, and Lutaaya to see how proud she's made me, and how encouraged she should feel with her improvements that she has made so far.  Yes, it's going to be a long journey.  Yes, she will take longer than others to retain information.  Yes, we will have to go backwards before we can go forwards.  And YES she is trying and enjoying every moment of learning. 

She can see the enjoyment others get out of reading, so she too wants to learn.  She had her first swimming lesson with school this week, so we've now enrolled her in the local pool for weekly lessons.  She loves the water so this will help her thrive in another area of her life.  I will continue to do everything in my power to help her in her development.  We will continue to play catch up, but you know, I don't care how far behind others she is, as long as I see her moving slowly up her ladder of achievements, then I will always be proud of her attempts.  She never fails to TRY. 

The highlight of the day was tinted with a bad patch, as we had a nurse appointment booked for today for her immunisations.  Lutaaya was very scared going to the surgery.  She stated that she feared the needles.  I thought she may only need one but we had to have three.  Obviously by injection number 3 she knew what was coming and fought against it.  Not something nice to watch, but something essential for her health. 

Due to the trophy award and being brave at the doctor's, I let Lutaaya have a night in front of the TV on the settee, waiting on her hand and foot.  She loved this and laughed at requesting different things to watch, eat and drink, then see me scurry off to complete her orders.  She worried that her teacher may be cross that she hadn't done any school reading, but I explained teacher would understand why she had a night off and I'd write it in her home reading book.  This made her happy.   

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