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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bikes, bumps and bruises

Lutaaya asked for a bike for her birthday and I managed to get her just that.  We haven't had the weather to go out and learn to cycle in the days after her birthday so it's been put to one side and the bike simply sat there.  However, lately the weather has been kind to us and the sun has shone.  So out we go.

My grandparents have a lane at the back of their house that is very quiet.  It's the ideal place for a learner bike rider.  Lutaaya looks the part in her cycle helmet.  Her balance however took some work.  She genuinely believed that she would simply sit on the bike and be able to ride.  Little did she know that it would end up in her being in a heap on the floor.

Bless her!  Her little face as she realised that maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as she'd imagined.  But still she tries.  Each weekend we've been blessed with good weather, we've been out in the lane trying our hardest.  Her balance is improving but she's not there yet.  So for the time being I will run at the side of my little princess and help her steady herself on her bike.  I know at some point I have to let go, but knowing that this will likely result in a bump and bruise, at the moment is putting me off.  I'm sure in the next few weeks I can gain the courage to let her try alone and simply watch as she wobbles and falls.  My role will then change to picking her up and dusting her off.  She will see this as my fault and will hold me as being accountable for 'letting her fall' but we'll work through that one as and when it happens.  For the time being I'll enjoy watching her learn.

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