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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mothering Sunday

It was my first Mothering Sunday last weekend.  Lutaaya has certainly grown into celebrations since living in Wales.  She was very secretive in trying to buy me gifts without my knowing.  She loved the concept of it all. 
So, after all the hype, Sunday morning arrived.  My little girl awoke at 6am.  Now I can tell you this is a very rare event.  Lutaaya NEVER wakes herself.  I'm sure she would lie in bed all day if I didn't wake her.  On this occasion though, the excitement obviously got the better of her and she was raring to go.

Lutaaya expected to make me breakfast, but at 6am this wasn't what I was wanting.  I wanted a normal Sunday morning wake up!  I love my sleep and yes, the lie ins are certainly not as long as they used to be on a weekend now that I'm a Mum but 6am was WAY too early.  So a little bit of encouragement and Lutaaya accepted the offer of jumping in at the side of me.  What a mistake!  She continued to fidget, cough, sneeze, poke and ask (every five minutes) 'is it time to get up now Mam?'  But you know what?  I wouldn't change her, or this morning for the world.

As soon as I showed signs of movement, she was up and off to her hideaway in her bedroom where my gifts were hiding.  Oh how proud she was to give me the gifts she had chosen herself.

This was taken just before heading to church, not for you to think she sleeps in her jacket!!

So up we got and she was soooo eager to help make breakfast.  She is a dab hand at tea making now, with some supervision on the kettle part.  I guess she lost some of her independency when she moved out of the orphanage.  Having small tasks like this give her that little bit of responsibility that she desperately craves.

A little time later there was a ring on the doorbell.  Lutaaya runs to the door and comes back with a huge grin on her face and carrying the most beautiful floral display in her arms.  The final gift arrives.  She was stressing earlier because she didn't grasp the concept of haing the flowers delivered and even rang her Jjajja to find out what was happening with them, bless her.  On the doorbell she obviously knew what would be waiting, but never uttered a word to the lady delivering them (sorry), as in her excitement she simply forgot and left her standing on the doorstep. 

What a wonderful day with my little princess.  Although days like today make me reflect on the joy of having my daughter, it also makes me think of all the mothers out there who struggle in the battle motherhood offers them.  Those that struggle in caring for their little ones, in poverty, war, disaster, family break up.  Those that make that uncomprehendable decision of giving their babies away in an attempt to get them a better future.  Those who watch their little ones who are sick or at risk. 

There are many children, like Lutaaya, who don't get the same opportunities as she does.  She has been fortunate to have a chance of a family.  A chance of a new life.  A chance of a future.  I have the chance to be her mother.

The Charity, World Vision, is currently carrying out a campaign for mother's day.  They want to know your happy mother's memory.  Either of a time from your own childhood or a time when your sweet child has made you smile.  Did you know that a child's first smile typically happens at a month old?  But every year more than three million children die before they even reach that age.  A shocking fact but a real one!

World Vision is committed to improving the health and nutrition of women and children in the areas which it works, contributing to the global reduction in under five and maternal mortality.  The organisation is also trying to persuade world leaders to put mothers and children first.

So why not share your 'happiest mum moment' with world vision and in doing so, they'll add your name to their Child Health Now Petition.  Your happiest smile could change the future for another mother who you may never meet but can hold in your heart.

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