Have a go and see how you get on!

For millions of girls and women around the world the choices in this game are real.
With no access to contraception, sex education or legal rights these girls face the prospect of pregnancy before their bodies are ready.
This can have deadly consequences for them and their children. In fact pregnancy is the world's biggest killer of teenage girls.
There's a crucial Family Planning Summit in London in 11 July. Together we can convince world leaders to give girls the power to control their own lives through greater access to contraception, health workers and empowerment.
Already, thousands have joined us in asking world leaders to act.
Play our game and share it with your friends, colleagues and family. The more people who join our campaign the more chance we have of getting world leaders on this crucial issue.
Girl power saves lives.
Get playing and sign the petition! Our Prime Minister can make a change to help save these girls lives!
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