It's amazing how many people (mzungu/white) walking around with their tiny brown little bundles in their arms. There is a huge business in baby adoptions here. It's very controversial and very corrupt.
There are lots of really good organisations, like Malaika Babies Home, who use domestic adoptions to find these precious little ones new families. There are Ugandans waiting to adopt here. There are very few under 3's who need to look at international adoption.
(Side note - but can you imagine the controversy if people from another country came into the UK or USA and adopted all the under 3's??? There would be an uproar! So why is it different here?)
Money talks!
Money causes the whole system to change. People see $$$ signs and babies literally go to the highest bidder.
Babies are even being purposely twinned to meet demands. These children are placed together as if twins, given to the sam adopting family, just because they are close in age.
Mothers are being groomed here into thinking they are incapable of caring for thir babies. They are being led to believe that adoption is the only 'good' choice they can make for their children. They are actively encouraged to give up their children for international adoption. They are told they will see them again and not the reality of losing all contact with their child as soon as they board that plane.
Poverty does not give us the right to remove these babies from their country and certainly not from their mothers.
There is a huge booming baby business here and it's simply not right.
There are children in need of international adoption here but they are mainly over 5. They are genuine orphans and have been in the care system for a long time. There are also many special needs children in need of adoption.
So if adoption is in your heart, consider the genuine children in need of adoption first and don't get caught up in the baby industry. Carry out all the relevant investigations and more if you want the truth. Most importantly, throughout it all, if something feels wrong or corrupt, it probably is. Ask all those awkward questions and let your head lead your heart.
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