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Monday, February 18, 2013

Look what's happening in Uganda!

The people of Buweri are VERY excited about our fundraising and are living in hope that we well exceed our target to get the pit latrine built for the village school.

Last week I received an email from Robinah, the lady who runs the school.

Her email reads,

"On our knees praying with you that the fundraising is successful.
The situation can get really desperate to know that children and teachers have nowhere to go for latrine to help themselves.
God bless and love to everyone.

Robinah has also taken it upon herself to organise for the digging of the actual pits while it is dry season in Buweri.  When the rains come, the red Ugandan soil, will be too difficult to dig, so it is essential this work happens now, before they have even received any money from our fundraiser. 

Attached to the end of the email were these wonderful photos so we can even see the developments in Buweri as they are happening. 
Robinah inspecting the pits - I can just imagine her thinking if the size is right, such an efficient woman

The busy worker - these pits have to be dug by hand, there is no machinery in the village

What wonderful developments.  Please use these photos as encouragement for your continued giving and support.  This village is depending upon us!

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